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Data Mining

The practice of examining large databases in order to generate new information.

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Data integrity

Refers to the accuracy and consistency of data stored in a database,
data warehouse, data mart or other construct.

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Contract Data Intelligence
Asset Finders
Data Integrity


If you own or hold tangible or intangible assets, can you confidently answer the 7 questions listed below:

1. Do you know the difference between a covenant and a contract?
2. Do you fully understand your depositor relationship with your bank?
3. Do you have full and complete control over the assets which your labor produced?
4. Do you really understand what a mortgage and note is?
5. Do you really understand what an asset is in todays financial world?
6. Do you know what the traditional mortgage “originate to hold” model is?
7. Do you know what the new mortgage “originate to distribute” model is?

Private Membership Offering:

Debt is self created, self induced, and misnomered on the face of the covenants which created it. We examine the ordering system which you brought into existence, so correction and relief can be achieved. Are you entitled to make corrections if you make a mistake?

What Can we Monitor for you?

• Foreign corporation activities and filings.
• Foreign trust activities and filings.
• Proper claimants and alleged damage party claims.
• Registered agents for foreign corporations and trust.
• SEC filing reports for alleged active parties in law suits.
• Claimants proper accounting methods used for claims of damages.
• Conflict of interest issues with public actors or quasi public actors.

How we Monitor for our private members:

1. Define goal and develop research question.
2. Define scope and context of the investigation.
3. Do background research on all parties which appear to violate black letter law.
4. Develop indicators and positions to create dialogue with parties.
5. Decide how to collect information for future use.
6. We assess what goal needs to be achieved to promote parties accountability.
7. We determine all the actors who are playing a role an the promotion of the act.

How we Collect Information:

• Bloomberg Report. • Securities and Exchange Commission. • Standard and Poors. • American Bankers Association. • Cusip reporting service. • Dunn & Bradstreet. • Manta reporting service. • Secretary of State Foreign Corporation Filing Departments. • Numerous Secretary of State Foreign Trust Filing Departments. • Request for information and validation forms. • And much, much more.

Role of Special Committee:

• Create special committee to address the possible infraction of actor.
• Sponsor and fund a study on the specific actors primary duty and funding source.
• Gather statistics on past actions of actors.
• Gather data regarding the remedy provided through legislative action.
• Create a platform for communicating findings if resolution is unattainable.

We issue written reports while monitoring activities

• Ally with individuals and groups of similar concern.
• Share reports to determine public actors patterns.
• Sponsor specific strategic committee’s for specialized issues.
• Develop round-table discussions to target abuse and create actions and recommendations.

Note: Class action research department is a private research support entity (N.P.) that works primarily with groups interested in direct legal action and development of class action law suits.