2016 13.13

Private Membership Offering:

Debt is self created, self induced, and misnomered on the face of the covenants which created it. We examine the ordering system which you brought into existence, so correction and relief can be achieved. Are you entitled to make corrections if you make a mistake?

What Can we Monitor for you?

• Government activities, protocols, and institutions set up to
implement the law.
• Response of actors: police, judiciary, prosecutors, medical, social service agencies, leaders, and other sometimes quasi public actors.
• Public awareness, opinion and use of violence and the legislation.

How we Monitor for our private members:

1. Define goal and develop research question
2. Define scope and context of the investigation.
3. Do background research on all parties which appear to violate black letter law.
4. Develop indicators and positions to create dialogue with parties.
5. Decide how to collect information for future use.
6. We assess what goal needs to be achieved to promote parties accountability.
7. We determine all the actors who are playing a role an the promotion of the act.

How we Collect Information:

• Statistical data collection (quantitative)
• Focus groups
• Surveys (quantitative and qualitative)
• On-site observations
• Court monitoring
• Media monitoring
• Interviews

Role of Special Committee:

• Create special committee to address the possible infraction of actor.
• Sponsor and fund a study on the specific actors primary duty and funding source.
• Gather statistics on past actions of actors.
• Gather data regarding the remedy provided through legislative action.
• Create a platform for communicating findings if resolution is unattainable.

Give Platform to Monitoring Reports

• Be an ally
• Heed the monitoring reports and their recommendations
• Sponsor or help draft legal amendments
• Sponsor multi-sectoral roundtables to discuss results and recommendations

Class Action Research department is a private research support entity (N.P.) that works primarily with plaintiff attorney firms that specialize in class action and complex litigation.