2016 13.13


Independent Associate Exchange

Document Review Private Exchange

Expert private review exchange that increase your discovery knowledge pursuant to the accuracy of documents, instruments and named persons on certifications, affidavits, and other claimed attestation documents and instruments. We investigate and validate the creators of documents used in many administrative and judicial settings.

Expense Predictability

Unique per-document pricing leverages the power of predictive coding and saves our private members time when needing to respond to strict time lines. The power of knowing who may be the true architect of claims against our private members is invaluable.

Experts in Both Workflow and Technology

Our experienced review managers, para-legals, notaries, and contract review affiliates optimize workflows using advanced technologies to lower review costs. We hold parties to strict time lines and issue detail reports on there failure to comply. Our Independent pool of skilled professionals can provide expert document review, ranging from discovery orders, case management orders, as well as simple responsive coding of securitized debt obligations.

*Note: This private exchange is through the recommendation of the Ad Hoc Valens Committee. Private members exchange only.

Tel: 866-601-2220
Interested in joining the Paladin review team? Send us an e-mail.